St Luke's Liverpool
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Welcome to St Luke's

We're glad to see you here!


Welcome to St Luke's

We're glad to see you here!

Sunday Services

8.30am | 9.30am Nepalese | 10.30am with children’s programs | 6.00pm

Can’t join us in-person?
Click the YouTube logo to watch our:
8.30am livestream Sundays | Weddings | Funerals | & past services.

New to St Luke’s? Connect with us by filling in a connect card. If you’re a regular member, we’d love to hear from you too!

Checkout our latest flyer with all the info you need…


Minis Musictime!

Come and join us for a music, dancing and story program, plus morning tea.

When: Mondays 9.45am - 11.00am (during school terms)

At: St Luke’s Liverpool, Ministry Centre

Register your interest using this online form here

or email

8.30am - Traditional service Livestreamed on YouTube

9.30am - Nepalese service Livestreamed on YouTube & Facebook

10.30am - Family friendly and Kids Church programs

6:00pm - Relaxed service with dinner

mid-week programs

Weekly programs held onsite

Come have a look at what’s on at St Luke’s throughout the year


Join us on Sunday

We've got a seat for you!

Join us on Sunday

We've got a seat for you!


We meet at four different times every Sunday,
where the Bible is read and its relevance to us today is explained.
It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, how you're dressed.
You're welcome to join us any Sunday!


8:30 am

8:30 is for those who enjoy an early start to the morning. You'll experience a mix of contemporary Christian music and more traditional hymns.

9:30 AM Nepalese

If you are Nepalese, you are most welcome to join us! This church meets each Sunday in the Ministry Centre.

10:30 am

Everyone is welcome to 10:30, especially families! A crèche and children's programs operates during this time.


6:00 pm

You'll find an informal and relaxed time at 6:00 pm. Whether you're a youth, a young adult or anyone else, we'd love to see you here!


come Join us in the heart of Liverpool

come Join us in the heart of Liverpool


Make your home with us here at St Luke's as we share the love of our Lord Jesus with the community of Liverpool and beyond!

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We believe life is all about jesus

We believe life is all about jesus

Jesus gives us forgiveness, purpose and hope.
we'd love for you to KNOW him too!

We believe that Jesus is the only way to God and the one who gives us direction and real joy in life. We now live as Jesus' followers as a community of all different kinds of people, and we enjoy relationship with God now and beyond death into the future.

Whether you come from a different background, belief or religion, we'd love for you to come to church and consider Jesus. Once you know Jesus, your life will never be the same again!


Kids and youth are welcome too!

Kids and youth are welcome too!

WHAT ABOUT MY children?

If you have children, we have an incredible kids and youth program during church at 10:30 am that will take care of your children (ages 12 months through to Year 8 at school) while you enjoy the service. Our teams of volunteers are trained and eager to take care of your children in a safe, secure and exciting environment designed for them.

Bring your whole family to 10:30 am, be welcomed and join in singing songs of praise before the kids are ushered out into our ministry centre to be split into our children's programs.

Children in Year 6–12 are welcome to Friday Night Youth which also meets on-site from 7:00pm to 9:00pm on Fridays during the school term. It's a place for young people to hang out, make new friends, have fun—all while engaging with God's Word and finding out more about Jesus.